Hovenia Dulcis Extract

2021-08-20 15:30:19

  • Product name:

    Hovenia Dulcis Extract

  • Product description:

    Hovenia dulcis, traditional Chinese . Hovenia dulcis Thunnb. Hovenia acerba Lindl. And Hovenia trichocarpa Chun et Tsiang's mature seeds. With the solution of alcohol, thirst quench, vomiting, attending drunk, polydipsia, vomiting. Central inhibition, an


1. Clear the free radical and Anti-oxidantion.

2. Antibiotic action and diminish inflammation.

3. Reducing the levels of blood sugar and blood fat.

4. Anti-tumor.

5. Anti-thrombus.

6. Protect liver, restrain the liver fibrosis.

7. Dispel the effects of alcohol